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Showing posts from May, 2021

Guest Blog - Boondock Sayntes game for Partizan!

  Battle of Dieg 1804. Second Mahratta War. General Lake sent General Fraser with most of his infantry and 700 cavalry to take the fortress if Dieg and defeat the covering Mahratta army.  The Mahratta had deployed huge numbers of guns and infantry to cover Dieg. Fraser accomplished a night march to outflank them, appearing to the rear of of the defensive line, with just a small garrisoned village to cover this route. This garrison has to check Fraser's advance and buy time for the confused Mahratta guns and infantry to redeploy and face them to prevent the historical loss of 87 guns and 2000 casualties. Ian Cluskey (Boondock Sayntes) Haut la tĂȘte, messieurs, la mitraille ce n'est pas de la merde !