I'd made a conscious decision to concentrate on these for a while, so had managed to get the infantry elements (with their BMP-1s), plus some Sagger ATGW units done, and because it is for 1973 added some of the T62s I had waiting. As a bit of a change from tanks I also finished off the BRDM-2 recce unit.
The idea was to get enough together to have a run through of the rules with a small force to oppose my IDF which I'd done a while ago. So I was really looking at roughly even points, and a variety of different units so I could walk myself solo through the rules and start to get to know what worked, and from that what I needed to work on for later.
This was the first tome I had set up either of the two forces that I had finished on a tabletop, and the result rather took me by surprise, I could probably have stopped a while ago!
So, what I have learned is that I should probably do this exercise a little sooner in the project! I'm not a fan of the wall-to-wall armour look that I seem to have achieved - I know you see it a lot in AARs of this and other periods, but it just doesn't seem to recreate the feel of the period for me. I realise I can't use a 6x4 table and have just a couple of tanks on it either, but I need a middle ground which has more period feel.
This may be more difficult to manage where, for Sinai desert scenarios particularly, terrain features are going to be in short supply, but I'm going to have to work on that I think.
So, having set them all out, I was a bit overwhelmed and started thinking I needed to work on some smaller scenarios for my rules walkthrough (initially using Fate Of A Nation)...
Yes, it looks like you already have more than enough toys to play with here! Please could you tell us which manufacturer(s) these are from...?